User Guide

C-2 Ampex 1308911-02
Model No.
Running Head
Introduction Result Codes and Machine Status
Table C-2. MSR Result Code Definitions
Hex Meaning
0 00h Success - Result codes are included in responses to MSI
upon completion, and with the Cartridge Load Complete Interrupt. If the
result code is other than Success, the command failed to complete its
execution properly (see also EOR
Encountered and Completed,
below). Certain responses to information requests may return Success
even if transport information is not available - see the appropriate
message description.
1 01h Command Aborted -Command completion was via its abortion by an
MSI Abort command.
2 02h Nothing to Abort - An Abort command was received from the MSI, but
there are no outstanding commands to abort. This may occur, for
instance, if the response to a command is being sent when the Abort
command arrives, or if the MSR entered the suspended state with no
remaining queued commands.
3 03h MSI Handshaking Fault - An error was detected in handshaking
signals/timing on the MSI/MSR Physical Block interface during a Write,
Read or Loop Physical Block command.
4 04h MSI Command Out Of Logical Sequence - A command was received
from the MSI which cannot be executed at this time.
5 05h Operation Time-out - An MSR operation has taken longer than the
established maximum time to complete, indicating an MSR internal
6 06h Data Path Fault - An error has been detected in the read or write data
path hardware which prevents successfully processing a Physical
Block; e.g., a parity error.
7 07h Unsupported Cartridge - The transport has detected a cartridge tab
configuration which is not supported by the MSR, therefore no tape
motion operations are executable.
8 08h Uncorrectable Data Error - A Read/Loop Physical Block command has
failed due to an incorrect Physical Block checksum.
9 09h Write Protected - An attempt was made to write or format tape in a
cartridge which the transport has determined is write protected.
10 0Ah No Cartridge - An attempt was made to perform a tape motion or
cartridge operation, but the transport detects that no cartridge is
11 0Bh Read After Write Fault - Write mode maximum error criteria have been
exceeded and the maximum number of rewrites allowed, if any, has
been exhausted.