User guide

374 Chapter 14 Recording in Logic Express
Using the Input Monitoring Buttons
You can use the Input Monitoring buttons to monitor audio tracks that are not armed.
Simply enable the Input Monitoring button on an audio track (or channel strip in the
Arrange or Mixer windows). This works when Logic Express is stopped or playing.
To determine what signal (input) is monitored:
m Choose the appropriate input (or input pair) from the Input slot menu of the
corresponding audio channel strip.
Tip: As a general workflow tip, you can leave the Input Monitoring button turned on,
before, after, and during recording. When the Input Monitoring button is switched on,
the Record Enable button or Auto Input Monitoring facility do not affect software
monitoring. When punch recording, however, you should use the Auto Input
Monitoring function rather than the Input Monitoring buttons.
Possible Problems With Input Monitoring
You should note that input monitoring always involves a little latency. Latency is
entirely dependent on the audio hardware’s capabilities, and driver settings. In certain
configurations, you may be best served by not monitoring through Logic Express at all,
thus obtaining the best possible timing. Route the signal that you want to record
directly to headphones or the monitoring amplifier for monitoring purposes (and to
the audio interface inputs, for recording). You won’t accidentally overdrive your A/D
converters, as the input level meters of Logic Express will display a clip warning if an
overload occurs.