Quick Reference Guide

Using the LCD Panel Interface 147
CPU Init Err: Processor sensor,
transition to non-recoverable was
The processor initialization
entered a non-recoverable state.
CPU Machine Chk: Processor
sensor, transition to non-
recoverable was asserted
The processor machine check
entered a non-recoverable state.
Critical Memory Spared: Memory sensor,
redundancy lost (<DIMM
Location>) was asserted
Memory spare is no longer
Critical Memory Mirrored: Memory sensor,
redundancy lost (<DIMM
Location>) was asserted
Mirrored Memory is no longer
Critical Memory RAID: Memory sensor,
redundancy lost (<DIMM
Location>) was asserted
RAID Memory is no longer
Warning Memory Added: Memory sensor,
presence (<DIMM Location>)
was deasserted
Added memory module was
Warning Memory Removed: Memory sensor
presence (<DIMM Location>)
was deasserted
Memory module was removed.
Critical Memory Cfg Err: Memory sensor,
configuration error (<DIMM
Location>) was asserted
Memory configuration is incorrect
for the system.
Warning Mem Redun Gain: Memory sensor,
redundancy degraded (<DIMM
Location>) was asserted
Memory redundancy is down
graded but not lost.
Critical PCIE Fatal Err: Critical Event
sensor, bus fatal error was asserted
Fatal error is detected on the PCIE
Critical Chipset Err: Critical Event sensor,
PCI PERR was asserted
Chip error is detected.
Table 4-8. Server Status Screen (continued)
Severity Message Cause