Technical data

PortServer Terminal Server Page 61
Remote Access Commands
The commands in this section are remote access related.
Syntax: close
Closes the current tcp session (the session last escaped from) to reenter the PortServer operating
systems command mode.
Syntax: mode [option=offlow]
The mode command is used to display telnet operating parameters.
#> mode
tty bin crmod crlf sess hostname
15 off off off 1 poe
15 on off off 2 ctsi
Enter mode bin=on or mode bin=off to turn bin (binary characters, both
directions) on or off. Default=off
Enter mode crmod=on or mode chmod=off to turn crmod on or off. This
adds line feed characters (010 dec) to and received carriage returns (013). This
does not affect any characters you type. (<CR> becomes <CR><LF>)
Enter mode crlf=on or mode crlf=off to turn crlf on or off. This adds
line feed characters (010 dec) to and sent carriage returns (013). This does not
affect any characters you receive. (<CR> becomes <CR><LF>) Default= off