Logic HE Range Conventional Flue Log Effect Installation User Instructions

1. Commissioning
1.1 Close all windows and doors to the room, check all controls,
and allow appliance to burn on maximum for 5 minutes.
Test for spillage of flue products using a smoke match. Pass
the lighted smoke match along the top front of the draught
diverter, just inside, see Diagram 1.
1.2 If the appliance spills, run for a further 10 minutes and
If there are any extractor fans in the room or adjacent
rooms, the test must be repeated with the fans running on
1.3 Complete the Commissioning Checklist at the front of this
manual covering:
— Thermocouple soundness checks.
This is to include ensuring the thermocouple is secure on
the pilot bracket assembly, lead connection and integrity.
— Flue checks
— Gas checks
— Fuel effect layout - flame picture
1.4 Upon completion of the commissioning and testing of the
installation and correct operation of the appliance, the
installer must instruct the user how to operate the appliance.
1.5 Guide the user through the User Instructions paying
particular attention to:
a) Regular servicing (Section 11 of the User Instructions).
b) Ventilation (Section 12 of the User Instructions) - point out
the ventilation positions where applicable.
c) Hot surfaces (Section 14 of the User Instructions).
For future reference record the installation details on the
commissioning sheet on page 3 of these instructions.
2. Pairing the Appliance
(Remote Version Only)
It may be necessary to pair the handset to the appliance
following servicing.
2.1 Ensure the white Power switch on the Control Box is in the
ON position.
2.2 Cradle the handset to unlock.
The green light must be illuminated for the handset to
accept commands.
2.3 Simultaneously press and hold the - and + buttons on the
Control Box, until the red light flashes on the Control Box.
2.4 Immediately press the Power Button on the Control Box.
The handset emits a short beep, the green light on the
handset flashes and the following icon is displayed, see
Diagram 2.
2.5 With the display showing the icon press and hold the SET
button to pair the handset to the appliance.
2.6 Following new pairing it will be necessary to set the time
and date, see User Instructions, Section 2b.
If too much time passes without the SET command the
display will show the following, see Diagram 3.
The handset has not paired and the process will need to be
started again.