Command Reference Guide

Displays raw space used by the VVs. The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, Prov, Type, Adm_RawRsvd_MB, Adm_Rsvd_MB, Snp_RawRsvd_MB, Snp_Rsvd_MB,
Usr_RawRsvd_MB, Usr_Rsvd_MB, Tot_RawRsvd_MB, Tot_Rsvd_MB, VSize_MB.
Displays mapping zone information for VVs. The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, Prov, Type, VSize_MB, Adm_Zn, Adm_Free_Zn, Snp_Zn, Snp_Free_Zn, Usr_Zn,
Displays the volume’s SCSI geometry settings for VVs. The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, SPT, HPC, SctSz.
Indicates whether alerts are posted on behalf of the VVs. The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, Prov, Type, VSize_MB, Snp_Used_Perc, Warn_Snp_Perc, Limit_Snp_Perc,
Usr_Used_Perc, Warn_Usr_Perc, Limit_Usr_Perc, Alert_Adm_Fail_Y,
Alert_Snp_Fail_Y, Alert_Snp_Wrn_YAlert_Snp_Lim_Y, Alert_Usr_Fail_Y,
Alert_Usr_Wrn_Y, Alert_Usr_Lim_Y.
Shows times when alerts were posted (when applicable). The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, Alert_Adm_Fail, Alert_Snp_Fail, Alert_Snp_Wrn, Alert_Snp_Lim,
Alert_Usr_Fail, Alert_Usr_Wrn, Alert_Usr_Lim.
Shows the physical copy and promote progress. The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, Prov, Type, CopyOf, VSize_MB, Copied_MB, Copied_Perc.
Shows CPGs from which a VV is allocated, if any. The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, Prov, Type, UsrCPG, SnpCPG.
Shows the detailed state information for the VVs. The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, Prov, Type, State, Detailed_State.
Shows the history information of the VVs. The following columns are shown:
ID, Name, Prov, Type, CreationTime, ExpirationEndTime, ExpirationTime,
SpaceCalcTime, Comment.
This option appends two columns, RcopyStatus and RcopyGroup, to any of the display options
Do not display VV names in tree format. Unless either the -notree or the -sortcol option
described below are specified, the VVs are ordered and the names are indented in tree format to
indicate the virtual copy snapshot hierarchy.
sortcol <col> [,<dir>][:<col>[,<dir>]...]
showvv 507