OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Action: None required.
0x17122132 sec_cred_s_authz_cannot_comply
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: authz service cannot supply the requested credentials
Explanation: Application programming error. The server is asking for information that
the authorization service used for the call cannot supply (eg, calling
sec_cred_get_initiator() when the call had used authz_name).
Action: Fix application code. Check the authorization service used before attempting to
extract credentials.
0x1712212f sec_cred_s_invalid_auth_handle
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: invalid credential handle
Explanation: Specified credential handle is invalid.
Action: This is most likely a programming error that needs to be fixed.
0x17122131 sec_cred_s_invalid_cursor
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: invalid credential cursor
Explanation: Specified credential cursor is invalid.
Action: This is most likely a programming error that needs to be fixed.
0x17122130 sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: invalid privilege attribute handle
Explanation: Specified privilege attribute handle is invalid.
Action: This is most likely a programming error that needs to be fixed.
0x1712212e sec_cred_s_no_more_entries
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: no more entries available
Explanation: No more entries available (informational status code).
Action: Don’t try to obtain any more entries.
0x171220d5 sec_id_e_bad_cell_uuid
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