X25AM Programming Manual

Errors and Error Recovery for ITI and PTP
X25AM Programming Manual527201-001
X25AM Errors and Error Descriptions
Table 5-1. Guardian Errors Returned by X25AM and Descriptions (page1of2)
Error Error Description
1 A read procedure reached end-of-file or a write procedure reached end of tape.
2 The operation specified is not allowed on this type of file.
10 The new record or file could not be created because a file by that name or a
record that has that key already exists.
12 [EGUARDIANOPEN] The file is in use.
14 That device does not exist on this system; the device or process is inaccessible
from a system running a C-series RVU (for example, a device or process is
running at a PIN greater than 255; the device has a logical device greater than
4095; or the device has a type or subtype greater than 63).
16 No file with that file number has been opened.
19 There is no more space for devices in the logical device table.
21 An illegal count was specified in a file-system call, or the operation attempted to
transfer too much or too little data.
22 The application parameter or buffer address is out of bounds.
27 An operation was attempted with outstanding no-waited I/O requests pending.
28 The number of outstanding nowait operations would exceed that specified; an
attempt was made to open a disk file or $RECEIVE with the maximum number of
concurrent operations more than 1; an attempt to ADD more than the configured
maximum number of subdevices for an I/O process; or sync depth exceeds
number the opener can handle; trying to run more than 254 processes from the
same object file.
31 Unable to obtain file-system buffer space.
33 I/O process is unable to obtain sufficient buffer space.
48 Security violation; illegal operation attempted.
53 [EFSERR] File system internal error or CP6100 file management interface error.
60 [EWRONGID] The file resides on a removed volume; the device is downed or not
open; or a server has failed and a process has been replaced by a different
process that has had the same name since the server was opened.
61 No more file opens are permitted on this volume or device; the system operator
issued a STOPOPENS command or the number of open files reached the
maximum allowed.
66 The device is downed, the LIU is not yet downloaded, a hard failure occurred on
the controller, the disk and controller are not compatible (DP1/DP2), or both
halves of a mirrored disk are down.
100 The device is not ready or the controller is not operational.
110 Only BREAK access is permitted.
111 Operation aborted because of BREAK.
114 X25 Network problem—RESTART FAILURE.