Instruction Manual

MicroShockDetector plus
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The buttons have the following function:
Send configuration:
Sends all displayed settings to the device
Save configuration file:
Saves the displayed settings in a file
Load configuration file:
Opens presets from a saved file
Close configuration file:
Closes the open, saved preset file. The parameters of the
saved file are no longer displayed in the configuration
Erase memory:
Deletes all measurement data in the internal memory of the
Setup new battery:
Resets the battery usage counter in the device after changing
the battery cell. The battery cell type and capacity can be
adjusted in the following window if required.
Time synchronization:
Synchronizes the internal device clock with the PC time
Turn off device:
The device is turned off. Both LEDs light up red briefly.
Setting the registration thresholds:
The correct setting of the registration thresholds is fundamental for the storage of shock
measurements. An impact must reach the specified shock amount and at the same time the minimum
shock duration on at least one axis X, Y or Z. If a value greater than 0 m/s is specified, the shock
strength must also be met as a criterion (see also section 4.3.6 Principle of shock recording).
Setting the alarm thresholds:
Using the set threshold values, shock events are marked with the shock direction if the exceeding
of the threshold values is detected during the measurement run (see Figure 15 column shock alarm).
The alarm threshold of an axis must be at least as high as the associated registration threshold. As
soon as the first alarm is detected, the red ALARM LED lights up when the status is queried. The
lighting of the ALARM LED when the status is queried can be reset by erasing the device memory.
Changing the synchronous intervals:
The synchronous interval is set using the “Synchronous interval” selection fields in hours and minutes.
When set to zero, there is no recording of time-synchronous measured values.