Programming instructions

Configuring Power Blocks
The Power Block configuration window is where you configure Power Blocks.
A This button opens the Power Block cloning window, which is where you can copy configuration
and settings from another Power Block.
B These buttons open the Relay configuration window, which is where you select the function and
enter a description for the relays.
C These buttons open the Variable stage configuration window, which is where you select the function
and enter a description for the variable stages.
D This is where you configure additional items for PBx Power Blocks.
Cloning Power Blocks
Cloning Power Blocks allows you to copy configuration and settings from one Power Block to
another. You can clone an existing Power Block and then use that as a starting point when
configuring a new one.
Ideally, you want to clone a Power Block that is the same model as the one you want to configure.
For example, clone an existing PBx-10 when you need to configure a new PBx-10.
If you clone a Power Block that is different, only the configuration and settings that are valid will
copy. For example, if you clone a PBx-10, which has six relays, to a PBx-11, which has nine relays,
the additional three relays in the PBx-11 will remain un-configured. If you clone a PBx-11 to a PBx-
10, equipment and relays that do not exist will be ignored and dropped.