Using the HP DTC Manager/UX

Installing DTC Manager/UX with HP-UX 9.x
However, if your LAN device file name is not /dev/lan0, you must start the
daemons manually and edit the file /etc/rc yourself. The steps below describe
how to check the LAN device file name.
1 Execute the lanscan command to display the list of physically connected LAN
devices on your system.
2 Look for the Net-Interface Name defined in the information displayed by
lanscan. Identify the LAN device file name that corresponds to the LAN on
which your DTCs are connected.
3 If the LAN device file name that corresponds to the LAN on which your DTCs
are connected is indicated as lan0 (full path name: /dev/lan0), your
installation is correct. Take the following steps to complete the installation:
a If you are upgrading from a previous release of DTC Manager/UX, execute
the following command for each DTC:
dtcreset dtcname
b then configure your DTCs using DTC Manager/UX.
4 If the LAN device file name that corresponds to the LAN on which your DTCs
are connected is not indicated as lan0 (full path name /dev/lan0), go to the
next section.
Modifications for LAN device file names other than /dev/lan0
If /dev/lan0 is not your LAN device file name, there are two modifications
required. You must:
start the rbootd and dtcnmd daemons with the correct LAN device
edit the file /etc/rc to ensure that these daemons are automatically started up
when the system is rebooted.
The rbootd daemon handles the download of a DTC when it is switched on or
reset. The dtcnmd daemon handles the transmission of network management data
from the system to the DTC ( for more information about these daemons refer to the
man pages).