Operating Environment Software Instruction Manual

infrastructure orchestration self service portal interface,
integration, 11
lifecycle operations, 90
multi-tenancy, 151
operation, 11
product, 10
provisioning, 10
user, 12
users, 12
physical disks
number of supported, 146
physical provisioning, 56
physical servers
provisioning using local disk, 97
physical shared disks
number of supported, 146
physical storage provisioning, 146
physical to virtual logical servers
support in Matrix infrastructure orchestration, 123
prerequisites, 79, 87
private disks (physical)
number of supported, 146
private disks (virtual)
number of supported, 38
lifecycle operations, 90
product overview, 10
properties file
overview, 18
related documents, 207
remove servers, 92
approval, 100
requirements, 43
Operations Orchestration, 25
resource allocation, 212
not displaying, 195
in Matrix infrastructure orchestration, 16
SAN-backed storage, 138
cloud provisioning, 47
SCVMM templates, 42
troubleshooting, 186
security group
configuring, 47
self service user, 12
server allocation algorithm, 97
Server Automation (SA)
configuring, 36
server deployment
configuring, 30
server pools, 67
service provisioning, 13
service request
approving, 120
creating, 114
service request fails
correcting, 195
shared disk creation performance, 98
shared disks (physical)
number of supported, 146
shared disks (virtual)
number of supported, 38
SLVM, 98
SLVM file-based storage
inoperable logical servers, 165
software deployment, 13
storage, 138
storage allocation algorithm, 98
storage pool entries
configuration, 197
storage pool entry
inoperable, 164, 165
storage provisioning
physical, 146
virtual, 148
Storage Provisioning Manager
in a federated CMS environment, 22
on-demand storage provisioning, 144
storage tags
creating in logical server management, 141
support, 207
Support Matrix, 15
supported versions of products to use with infrastructure
orchestration, 15
sysprep, 43
system properties, 23
Systems Insight Manager settings, 57
templates, 40
timeout value, 120
adding servers to services, 181
Console operations, 181
flexing services, 181
infrastructure orchestration designer operations, 188
miscellaneous issues, 190
physical service creation, 162
physical service deletion, 178
Self Service Portal operations, 187
server operations, 181
service creation, 162
service deletion, 178
service operations, 181
virtual service creation, 170
virtual service deletion, 180
trunk network
configuring for VLAN tagging, 66
222 Index