Installation and Programming Guide

Skip Days watering schedule will activate the program within the specied interval. You can designate skip days from 1
through 59 days. The entered value will be the number of days the controller will skip until an active watering day. If you
enter a value of 3, MC-E skip watering for 3 consecutive days and water on the fourth day. MC-E will repeat the schedule
after the active day.
Set Skip Days Program Schedule
Step 1 – Turn the Function dial to the SET PROGRAM position.
Step 2 – Enter the program number (1–8) being modied. Press the to activate the selection.
Step 3 – Press the button to activate Skip days watering schedule.
Step 4 – Enter the designated Skip day number and press the button. (1 = skip 1 day then water the next day,
2 = skip 2 days then water the next day, etc.)
Example: Set the program to skip 4 days before activating. Press .
Step 5 – Enter today’s designation number and press the button. This number represents the current day’s position
within the schedule interval. This number will increment on a daily basis starting from 0 (zero) until the skip
day number designation is met, then the controller will regard that day as a watering day.
Example: With skip day set to 4, the program is set to water on the 5th day. Set today so that the controller will
water the next day. Enter and press the button.
To return the program’s scheduling to Weekdays, press the buttons.
Step 6 – Return the Function dial to the Auto Run position to exit SET PROGRAM.