Installation and Programming Guide

Station Test
The MC-E provides the Station Test to allow you to activate all stations whether they are assigned to a program or not.
When a Station Test is performed, the controller will sequence through all the stations and activate them for the specied
Perform Station Test
Step 1 – Turn the Function dial to the Station Test position.
Step 2 – Enter the station runtime from 01 second to 30 minutes (seconds must be entered with 0 rst, i.e. 45 seconds,
enter 045) and press the to initiate the test.
If no runtime is entered before pressing the button, the controller will test each station
for two minutes.
Example: Test each station by activating them for one minute. Press the buttons.
Press the button to advance to the next station.
Press the button to Pause the Station Testing procedure.
Turn the Function Dial to (RAIN OFF) position to Cancel the procedure.
Step 3 – Return the Function dial to the Auto Run position to exit Station Test.