Operation Manual

Next sections in this manual, will detail the correct way to configure and program the
LCD Panel InZennio Z38, so that a user can control all (or part of) the KNX
installation from a single device.
o <<PAGES>>
¾ Home & Home II
The “Home” page is the InZennio Z38 “Welcome” page; this
will be the starting point (once the necessary boxes have been
enabled) to access, the most commonly required functions.
The "Home II" page is just like the "Home" one, as far as
functionality and potential programming terms is concerned.
Consider the "Home II" page as an extension of the own
"Home" page.
¾ MENU Page:
Access to Specific Pages
Users in this case, have the option to "enable" up to six
different pages, and even, when talking about the "Specific 1,
2, 3 & 4" ones, to associate them with a particular function:
o Scenes
o Schedule Programming
o Clima
Figure 1.1 shows the schematic page organization in the InZennio Z38
: "Home", "Home II" and the “Technical Alarms” pages in the
InZennio Z38 Panel have 6 parametrizable boxes
"Clima", “Scenes", and the “Configuration" pages have 5 parametrizable
boxes each, while the “Schedule Programming” one has only 4 parametrizable
Please refer to the Product Data Sheet, for up to date information on the installation of
the InZennio Z38 Panel, as well as to gather detailed information on its technical
The Data Sheet is included in the original packaging of the product, and is available to
be downloaded from the website www.zennio.com