Programming instructions

If you are using a master set point curve, you cannot adjust the master set point
slider in the main Settings window. You must adjust the curve.
Minimum ventilation curves
In hog production, minimum ventilation is very important for controlling humidity and getting rid
of gases (methane, carbon dioxide, and others). Insufficient ventilation can cause high humidity,
high gas levels, and stagnant air.
As animals grow older, they require more fresh air, but produce more humidity and gases. Using the
minimum ventilation curve, you can have Select Ventilation automatically adjust the minimum
ventilation as the animals grow.
Minimum ventilation curves are available only on Power Blocks that offer variable stage cooling.
If you are using a minimum ventilation curve, the idle speed is controlled by the
curve; you cannot adjust the idle speed slider in the main Settings window. You
must adjust the curves instead.
How ventilation curves work
Select Ventilation reads the curve(s) each day at midnight and sends the settings for the current day
to the Power Block. The Power Block controls the temperature and/or minimum ventilation
according to the settings for that day. At the end of the curve, Select Ventilation continues using the
settings from the last day of the curve.
If you change the settings for a curve, the program sends the settings for the current day to the
Power Block when you click OK on the Ventilation growth curves window.
Curve length and current day
Curve length is the number of days in the curve. Curves can have up to 365 days. Current day
defines which day's settings Select Ventilation is currently using.