Script Steps Reference

Table Of Contents
This script step is also supported in web publishing and in a FileMaker Server scheduled script.
Originated in
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
If a variable doesn’t exist, this script step will create one. A variable name has the same naming
restrictions as a field name.
Local and global variables can be created and used in calculations.
A local variable can only be used in script steps in the currently executing script. The value
in a local variable is cleared when the script exits.
A global variable can be used in a calculation or script anywhere in a file, for example, other
scripts or file paths. The value of a global variable is not cleared until the file is closed.
Local and global variables (or even two local variables in different scripts) can have the
same name but they are treated as different variables and can store different values.
The following example sets a local variable.
Set Variable [$commission; Value:.05]
The following example sets a global variable.
Set Variable [$$commission; Value:.1]
The following example sets a global variable at a specified repetition number.
Set Variable [$$bonus[2]; Value:3 * 4]
Related topics
Script steps reference (alphabetical list)
Install OnTimer Script
Runs a specified script at the specified interval. Installs a single timer per window. After the specified
interval has passed, the next time the application is idle, runs the specified script.
Install OnTimer Script [“<script>”; Interval: <number>]
Click Specify to set the variable options:
Specify script is the script that you want to run.
Interval seconds is the value in seconds that the timer waits before running the script.