Script Steps Reference

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Export Records script step
Import Records script step
Script steps reference (alphabetical list)
Save Records As PDF
Saves records to a specified PDF file.
Save Records As PDF [Append; No dialog; “<output filename>”; Automatically
open; Create email; User specified options]
Note In order to save records as a PDF file, your privilege set must include Allow printing, or you
must select Run script with full access privileges in the Edit Script dialog box.
Select Append to existing PDF to append the records being browsed, the current record,
or a blank record after the last page of the specified PDF file. When you append records,
the PDF Options dialog box settings in the Document and Initial View tabs are ignored, but
the settings in the Security tab are maintained.
Perform without dialog prevents dialog boxes from displaying when the script step
executes if a file has already been specified.
Select Specify output file or click Specify to display a dialog box where you can specify
the file path. Choose the folder you want to save to, or type the file path directly into the list.
Specify one path per line. FileMaker Pro will use the first path it locates.You can choose to
Automatically open file or you can choose to Create email with file as attachment after
Select Specify options or click Specify to display the "Save Records as PDF" dialog box.
From the Save list, choose Records being browsed, Current record, or Blank record. If
you select Blank record, the Appearance option is enabled.
Select Options to display the PDF Options dialog box.
In the Document tab, you can specify descriptive information for the PDF file. For each
of the options in the document tab, you can enter text directly, or click Specify to enter a
field name or values from a calculation.
In the Security tab, you can assign passwords to the PDF file, as well as print and edit
privileges. If print and edit privileges are allowed, you can specify if copying and screen
reading software are permitted.
In the Initial View tab, you can define the initial view for the layout and magnification for
the PDF file.