Script Steps Reference

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Go to Portal Row
Navigates among the rows in the active portal.
Go to Portal Row [<first/last/previous/next/by calculation>]
Specify lets you choose from the following options.
First moves to the first row in the portal.
Last moves to the last row in the portal.
Previous moves to the previous row in the portal. Exit after last tells FileMaker Pro to exit
the loop or the enclosing script.
Next moves to the next row in the portal. Exit after last tells FileMaker Pro to exit the loop
or the enclosing script.
By Calculation moves to the row number that is the result of the calculation you create.
This script step is also supported in web publishing and in a FileMaker Server scheduled script.
Originated in
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
When no portal is active, the script uses the first portal in the layout stacking order.
This script step tries to keep the same related field selected when changing rows. If no field in a
portal is selected, the script selects the first related field it can enter.
When a related field in a portal is selected, you can use this step to move to the same field in
another portal row. For example, if the third field in the second portal row is selected, Go to Portal
Row [Next] goes to the third field in the third portal row.
The following selects the first portal row in the current record.
Go to Portal Row [Select, First]
Related topics
Script steps reference (alphabetical list)