Script Steps Reference

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Example 5
This example uses a field name contained in a variable to calculate temperatures. A user enters the
temperature in field F or field C and runs the script in order to convert temperatures between
Fahrenheit and Celsius.
If [Get (ActiveFieldName) = “F”]
#Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Set Variable [$TargetField; Value:”TableName::C”]
Set Field By Name [$TargetField; (5/9)*(Get (ActiveFieldContents)-32)]
Else if [Get (ActiveFileName) = “C”
#Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
Set Variable [$TargetField; Value:”TableName::F”]
Set Field By Name [$TargetField; (9/5)*Get (ActiveFieldContents)+32]
Related topics
Script steps reference (alphabetical list)
Set Next Serial Value
Resets the next serial value in an auto-entry serial number field.
Set Next Serial Value [<table::field>; <value or formula>]
Select Specify target field or click Specify to specify the serial number field on which the
script step will operate. The field you specify must be defined as an auto-entry serial
number field.
Calculated result: Click Specify to enter the next serial value or create a calculation to
determine the next serial value.
This script step is also supported in web publishing and in a FileMaker Server scheduled script.
Originated in
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
Allows you to use the Manage Scripts feature to update the value. You can define this script step to
use any calculation expression to determine the next serial value of a field that has been defined as
an auto-entry serial number field. The calculation always evaluates to a text result.
For example, you might want to reset the next serial value after you do one of the following:
import records into a FileMaker Pro database with an auto-entry serial number field
delete multiple serialized numbers from a FileMaker Pro database