SmartSetup Scripting Toolkit Administrator's Guide

Table Of Contents
[path]allboards.xml Specifies the allboards.xml PCI device list file, which is used
to convert PCI IDs found in hardware discovery into device names,
such as “Smart Array 6402 Controller.
expression Specifies the query expression.
The ifhw utility can use XML files as input to query the hardware discovery file. For example:
ifhw hwdisc.dat allboards.xml "PCI:Smart Array 6402"
0 (True) if the Smart Array 6402 is present
1 (False) if the device is not present
2 (Error) if the expression could not be understood
-1 or 255 if incorrect number of parameters given
The following expressions used as shown in the Synopsis return the indicated result:
PCI:Smart Array 6402
Returns True if the Smart Array 5i Controller is found in the system.
HWQ:RAM gte 512
Returns True if the amount of RAM in the hardware discovery file is at least 512.
HWQ:EFIFw neq 1.10
Returns True if the EFI Firmware version in the hardware discovery file is not 1.10.
HWQ:SystemName eq Server rx4640
Returns True if the system name in the hardware discovery file exactly matches Server
PCI:Smart Array 6402 or PCI:Smart Array 6404
Returns True if the system contains a Smart Array 6402 Controller or a Smart Array 6404
Table 7 ifhw Operators
ResultOperator or
True if both operands are true.and
True if either operand is true.or
True if the first operand is greater than the
True if the first operand is less than the
True if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second.gte
True if the first operand is less than or equal to the second.lte
True if the two operands are equal.eq
True if the two operands are not equal.neq
True if the operand is false.not
True if a PCI device whose name includes string is found in the hardware discovery file. string
is case-sensitive.
The hardware discovery file is searched for string, and the corresponding value is the value of this
term. string is case-sensitive.
48 Utilities reference