User manual
3 VLYNQ Port Registers
VLYNQ Port Registers
Table 5 describes the address space for the VLYNQ registers and memory.
Table 5. VLYNQ Register Address Space
Block Name Start Address End Address Size
VLYNQ Control Registers 3800 0000h 3800 01FFh 512 bytes
VLYNQ Remote Memory Map 3800 0200h 38FF FFFFh 64M - 512 bytes
Table 6 lists the memory-mapped registers for the VLYNQ port controller. See the device-specific data
manual for the memory address of these registers.
The first 128 bytes map to the VLYNQ configuration registers that are maintained by the local (device)
VLYNQ register control module while the second 128 bytes map to the remote configuration registers that
are physically located in the remote device linked by the VLYNQ serial interface. Any access to the
second set of registers causes VLYNQ to issue a read or write VLYNQ packet to be transmitted and only
completes if a link is established between the two devices.
Table 6. VLYNQ Port Controller Registers
Offset Acronym Register Description Section
0h REVID Revision Register Section 3.1
4h CTRL Control Register Section 3.2
8h STAT Status Register Section 3.3
Ch INTPRI Interrupt Priority Vector Status/Clear Register Section 3.4
10h INTSTATCLR Interrupt Status/Clear Register Section 3.5
14h INTPENDSET Interrupt Pending/Set Register Section 3.6
18h INTPTR Interrupt Pointer Register Section 3.7
1Ch XAM Transmit Address Map Register Section 3.8
20h RAMS1 Receive Address Map Size 1 Register Section 3.9
24h RAMO1 Receive Address Map Offset 1 Register Section 3.10
28h RAMS2 Receive Address Map Size 2 Register Section 3.11
2Ch RAMO2 Receive Address Map Offset 2 Register Section 3.12
30h RAMS3 Receive Address Map Size 3 Register Section 3.13
34h RAMO3 Receive Address Map Offset 3 Register Section 3.14
38h RAMS4 Receive Address Map Size 4 Register Section 3.15
3Ch RAMO4 Receive Address Map Offset 4 Register Section 3.16
40h CHIPVER Chip Version Register Section 3.17
44h AUTNGO Auto Negotiation Register Section 3.18
48h MANNGO Manual Negotiation Register Section 3.19
4Ch NGOSTAT Negotiation Status Register Section 3.20
60h INTVEC0 Interrupt Vector 3-0 Section 3.21
64h INTVEC1 Interrupt Vector 7-4 Section 3.22
SPRUF89 October 2007 VLYNQ Port 25
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