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68 FileMaker Pro Tutorial
3. Click View in Browse mode to display and edit records if it is not already selected.
4. Click Finish.
You see the completed report in Browse mode in List View. Members are grouped by their membership
type, then further alphabetized by last name within each membership category.
Note Depending on experimentation you may have done in earlier lessons, your finished report may not
look like the following illustration.
Use an assistant to create a report with grouped data and totals
In the previous exercise, you created a report that grouped data in categories based on common field values.
In this exercise, you will create a similar report that also includes subtotals for each category and a grand
total for the entire report.
The subsummary report you will create:
1 groups the members by membership type
1 subtotals the fees collected for each membership type
1 provides a grand total of these fees
A report with grouped data and totals requires the same elements as a report with grouped data: a
subsummary part in the report layout for each category, a field or fields to group records by, and a sort of the
database by these fields.
Two additional elements are also required:
1 a grand summary layout part
1 summary field(s) to display totals, averages, or counts
Once again, the assistant creates these report elements for you.
This report groups data
by the Membership Type
field, also referred to as
the break field
Placeholder for page
number. The actual page
number will appear in
Preview mode and when
the report is printed.