
Table Of Contents
Lesson 13
Protecting data in FileMaker Pro 91
Create a privilege set
About privilege sets
Privilege sets specify a level of access to a database file. In addition, FileMaker Pro allows for extended
privilege sets, which determine sharing options for files.
Predefined privilege sets
Each new database file has three predefined privilege sets:
1 Full Access permits accessing and changing anything in the file
1 Data Entry Only permits only the viewing and entering of data
1 Read-Only Access permits viewing, but not changing data
In every database, there must be at least one account with the Full Access privilege set. For security reasons,
this account should have a password. You can’t change or delete predefined privilege sets except to enable
or disable their extended privilege sets, but you can duplicate predefined privilege sets and modify the copy
to use it in a different way.
Custom privilege sets
While predefined privilege sets in FileMaker Pro provide for common types of data access, creating unique
privilege sets lets you limit access to specific aspects of a database, such as which layouts can be viewed,
which menus are available, and whether printing is allowed.
Extended privilege sets
Extended privilege sets determine the data sharing options that are permitted by a privilege set, such as
whether a privilege set permits users to open a shared file or view a database in a web browser.
Create a custom privilege set
Suppose your business relies on temporary staff at certain times of the year. This staff needs to have access
to your data, but you want to prevent temporary employees from printing or exporting information in your
database. You can create a specific privilege set for temporary staff that does not allow access to printing or
exporting data.
privilege sets