
Table Of Contents
Lesson 14
Backing up your databases
Power failures, disk problems, and other unexpected computer problems can happen to anyone at any time. To
help prevent data loss, regularly back up all important documents on your computer, including your databases.
In this lesson you will learn:
1 how and when to back up your database
1 where to learn about other ways to protect your files
How to back up your database
There are many ways to back up a file. This is one way.
1. Determine the size of the database:
Windows: In Explorer, right-click the icon for the file, choose Properties, then General.
Mac OS: In the Finder, click the icon for the file, then choose File menu > Get Info.
2. Identify a disk or volume that has enough available space for a copy of the database.
3. Open the database you want to back up.
4. Choose File menu > Save a Copy As.
5. Click Save.
Important Next time, back up to a different disk or volume. Never back up over the only or most recent copy
of your file. You should have several different backups at all times.
When to back up
You should back up:
1 as often as necessary to be sure you can restore all of your data in an emergency
1 before you make a major or irreversible change like deleting records, deleting a field, or replacing data using
the Import or Replace features
Remember, it takes far less time to back up a file than it does to recreate a lost or damaged file!
Accept the default filename for your
copy, or change the name
Select the disk and folder
where you want to save
your copy
Choose copy of
current file