User Manual

Table Of Contents
Wireless Nd1 PC Card and PCI Adapter
W ir e less N d1 PC Ca rd and PCI Adapt er
Hom e
I nst a lla t ion
Configur a t ion
Basic Troubleshooting Procedure
This procedure addresses som e sym ptom s that you m ight experience with your PC
Card or PCI Adapter and wireless connection:
1. Verify t he physical cable connections between your router, your com put er, and
your m odem .
2. Ensure t hat t he power out let t o which the rout er is connected is a live outlet.
3. Refer t o your rout er's docum ent at ion and t hen check any LEDs or indicators on
your rout er t o m ake sure you are receiving power and t hat are no errors.
Reboot your rout er t o refresh your I nternet connect ion inform at ion.
5. Som e electronic devices, such as 2.4GHz - 5.8 GHz phones and m icrowave
ovens, m ay int erfere with t he wireless signal and affect your wireless range and
link quality. Try creating a wireless connection on a different channel.
6. Low link qualit y or range can be caused by environm ent al int erference, such as
lead-based paint and concret e walls. Try t o m ove t he ant enna of t he router or
to reposit ion t he wireless client s t o im prove t he link quality. I f possible, ensure
that t here are no obstructions between wireless clients and t he rout er.
7. Refer t o your rout er's docum ent at ion an verify com m unications bet ween your
com puter, your rout er and t he I nternet .
I f you still have t rouble using your PC Card or PCI Adapt er, follow t he procedure
below that best describes your sym pt om .
I am no longer able to access the I nternet .
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