Technical data

Page 4 30 Nov 2000
(3) Adjustment/Test - Aileron System Rigging
Note: All control surface cable tensions should be rigged at an ambient temperature of
70°. Allow temperature to stabilize for a period of four hours before setting cable
(a) Acquire necessary tools, equipment, and supplies.
(b) Remove kick plate. (Refer to 25-10)
(c) Remove MFD. (Refer to 34-40)
(d) Remove passenger seats. (Refer to 25-10)
(e) Remove carpet and access panels CF3C and CF4C. (Refer to 6-00)
(f) Insert lock-out pins at aileron actuation pulleys in LH and RH wing.
(g) Insert lock-out pin at aileron actuation pulley in center console.
(h) Set LH yoke grip to 45° by adjusting LH aileron push/pull rod at aileron actuation bracket
so trim indicator is aligned with 0° on roll trim decal. Repeat procedure on RH side.
Note: Check cable tensions at the following locations:
Wing RH; below access hole CF4R, inboard of cross-over pulley.
Wing LH; below access hole CF4L, inboard of cross-over pulley.
Forward cable RH and LH; below access hole CF4C, outboard of both kick-
out pulleys.
(i) Adjust the aileron control cable to 30.0 - 40.0 lb (13.6 - 18.1 Kg).
(j) Ensure aileron cables at kick-out and cross-over pulleys do not rub against pulley flange.
(k) Remove lock-out pins from LH and RH aileron actuation pulleys.
(l) Set ailerons to neutral position using the WS 144 template or approved equivalent.
Note: To keep the opposite aileron in approximate neutral position, as the cross-
over turnbuckle is tightened, the direct-cable turnbuckle must be loosened
(or vice-versa).
Align aileron trailing edges to wing chord line. To lower trailing edge, tighten the
cross-over cable turnbuckle and loosen the direct-cable turnbuckle for the appropri-
ate aileron side.
(m) Fasten inclinometer to LH aileron and set at 0°
(n) Remove lock-out pin in center console aileron actuation pulley.
(o) Verify aileron neutral position remains at 0° +/- 1° with control yoke in neutral position and
cable tension at 30.0 - 40.0 lb (13.6 - 18.1 Kg).
Description P/N or Spec. Supplier Purpose
WS 144 Rigging Template - Cirrus Design Corp. Aileron Rigging
Inclinometer PRO360 Maclanburg Duncan Deflection Angle
Tensiometer BT-33-75D Kent Moore Cable Tension