Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View

Table Of Contents
Configure a Virtual Machine with Multiple NICs for View Agent
When you install View Agent on a virtual machine that has more than one NIC, you must configure the
subnet that View Agent uses. The subnet determines which network address View Agent provides to the
View Connection Server instance for client protocol connections.
On the virtual machine on which View Agent is installed, open a command prompt, type regedit.exe,
and create a registry entry to configure the subnet.
For example, in an IPv4 network:
HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\IpPrefix = n.n.n.n/m (REG_SZ)
In this example, n.n.n.n is the TCP/IP subnet and m is the number of bits in the subnet mask.
NOTE In releases earlier than Horizon 6 version 6.1, this registry path was
HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Node Manager\subnet = n.n.n.n/m (REG_SZ). The old
registry setting is not used with View Agent 6.1 or later. If you upgrade View Agent from an earlier
release to version 6.1 or later, make sure to use the current registry setting.
Optimize Guest Operating System Performance for All Windows
You can perform certain steps to optimize guest operating system performance for remote desktop
deployment. The steps apply to all Windows operating systems. All of the steps are optional.
These recommendations include turning off the screen saver and not specifying a sleep timer. Your
organization might require the use of screen savers. For example, you might have a GPO-managed security
policy that locks a desktop a certain time after the screen saver starts. In this case, use a blank screen saver.
Prepare a guest operating system for remote desktop deployment.
Disable any unused ports, such as COM1, COM2, and LPT.
Adjust display properties.
a Choose a basic theme.
b Set the background to a solid color.
c Set the screen saver to None.
d Verify that hardware acceleration is enabled.
Select a high-performance power option and do not specify a sleep timer.
Disable the Indexing Service component.
NOTE Indexing improves searches by cataloging files. Do not disable this feature for users who search
Remove or minimize System Restore points.
Turn off system protection on C:\.
Disable any unnecessary services.
Set the sound scheme to No Sounds.
Chapter 3 Creating and Preparing Virtual Machines
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