HP Matrix Operating Environment 7.3 Update 1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Provisioning with Virtual Resources

Table 4 Recovering an inoperable logical server (continued)
Suggested actionsPossible causes
Unmanage and re-import the impacted logical server.Inoperable logical server appears
immediately after a failure of the
logical server management service
or of the entire CMS. Partially
completed operations, such as move
operations, will not resume after the
logical server management service
or CMS restarts, and the CMS may
not be able to synchronize the state
of the recovered underlying
resource with the logical server.
For an ESX virtual machine logical server, unregister the virtual machine using
Insight Control virtual machine management. For a Hyper-V virtual machine logical
Logical server is marked inoperable
during a roll back of virtual machine
server, use the Insight Control virtual machine management CLI to unregister the
virtual machine. Perform the steps under Unregister the virtual machine below.
registration after credentials were
not retrieved from HP SIM.
VCEM displays a warning when it detects that Matrix OE is installed and you are attempting to perform management
operations on a server blade associated with a logical server. Performing these operations using VCEM may lead to
inoperable logical servers. Take care to ensure that the blade instance (profile) you are deleting is correct, then type YES
to proceed.
The warning message reads as follows:
IMPORTANT: VCEM has detected you may be using other products such as
Matrix OE. Assigning this Server Profile can make it inconsistent with
the upper level manager. It is recommended to use the upper level manager
to assign this Server Profile. Type 'YES' to proceed with this operation.
Unregister the virtual machine
1. Change directory to the installed Insight Control virtual machine management directory and
to clientapi\bin
C:\Program Files\HP\Insight Control virtual machine management\clientapi\bin
2. Authenticate the session using the adminlogin.cmd command:
C:\Program Files\HP\Insight Control virtual machine
Login successful.
3. Find the VM URI or configuration path cli getVmIds
C:\Program Files\HP\Insight Control virtual machine
management\clientapi\bin> cli getVmIds
Virtual Machines\880401BA-5024-4E76-9CD3-AA5F706F3332.xml
4. Unregister the virtual machine using cli unregisterVm vm vmUri
C:\Program Files\HP\Insight Control virtual machine
management\clientapi\bin>cli unregisterVm -vm "v
Virtual Machines\880401BA-5024-4E76-9CD3-AA5F706F3332.xml
C:\Program Files\HP\Insight Control virtual machine
5. Refresh logical server Insight Control virtual machine management resources using
ToolsLogical Servers...Refresh...
156 Troubleshooting