
Table Of Contents
Contents 5
Lesson 7
Simplifying data entry
Enter data using value lists 51
Define a value list 51
Assign a value list to a field and display it as radio buttons 52
Generate values with a calculation field 53
Create a calculation field 53
Test your calculation 55
Automatically enter a serial number 55
Create a field for serial numbers 55
For more information 56
Lesson 8
Automating tasks with buttons and scripts
Perform a task using a button 57
Create the button 57
Perform a series of tasks using a script 58
About scripts 58
Create a script to preview the Labels layout 58
Assign a script to a button 59
Rename the button 59
Test the button 60
For more information 60
Lesson 9
Creating and running reports
About summary reports 61
Create a dynamic report in Table View 61
Examine the data in Table View 61
Hide data not needed in the report 61
Group and sort data and define a summary field 62
Label and format grouped data 63
Use an assistant to create a report with grouped data 64
About layouts for subsummary reports 64
Create a subsummary report 65
Use an assistant to create a report with grouped data and totals 68
Create a subsummary report with totals 69
Save and send a report as a PDF file 72
For more information 73