Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View

Table Of Contents
Table 145. Splitting Modifiers for Device-Splitting Policy Settings on View Agent
Modifier Description
m (merge)
Horizon Client applies the View Agent device splitting policy setting in addition to the
Horizon Client device splitting policy setting.
o (override)
Horizon Client uses the View Agent device splitting policy setting instead of the
Horizon Client device splitting policy setting.
Table 14-6 shows examples of how Horizon Client processes the settings for Exclude Device From Split by
Vendor/Product ID when you specify different splitting modifiers.
Table 146. Examples of Applying Splitting Modifiers to Device-Splitting Policy Settings
Exclude Device From Split by
Vendor/Product ID on View Agent
Exclude Device From Split by
Vendor/Product ID on
Horizon Client
Effective Exclude Device From Split
by Vendor/Product ID Policy Setting
Used by Horizon Client
m:vid-XXXX_pid-XXXX vid-YYYY_pid-YYYY vid-XXXX_pid-XXXX;vid-YYYY_pid-
o:vid-XXXX_pid-XXXX vid-YYYY_pid-YYYY vid-XXXX_pid-XXXX
vid-YYYY_pid-YYYY vid-XXXX_pid-XXXX;vid-YYYY_pid-
vid-YYYY_pid-YYYY vid-XXXX_pid-XXXX;vid-YYYY_pid-
View Agent does not apply the device splitting policy settings on its side of the connection.
Horizon Client evaluates the device splitting policy settings in the following order of precedence.
Exclude Vid/Pid Device From Split
Split Vid/Pid Device
A device splitting policy setting that excludes a device from being split takes precedence over any policy
setting to split the device. If you define any interfaces or devices to be excluded from splitting,
Horizon Client excludes the matching component devices from being available for redirection.
Examples of Setting Policies to Split Composite USB Devices
Set splitting policies for desktops to exclude devices with specific vendor and product IDs from redirection
after automatic splitting and pass these policies to client computers:
For View Agent, set the Allow Auto Device Splitting policy to Allow - Override Client Setting.
For View Agent, se the Exclude VidPid From Split policy to o:vid-xxx_pid-yyyy, where xxx and yyyy
are the appropriate IDs.
Allow automatic device splitting for desktops and specify policies for splitting specific devices on client
For View Agent, set the Allow Auto Device Splitting policy to Allow - Override Client Setting.
For the client device, set the Include Vid/Pid Device filter policy to include the specific device that you
want to split; for example, vid-0781_pid-554c.
For the client device, set the Split Vid/Pid Device policy to vid-0781_pid-554c(exintf:00;exintf:01)
for example, to split a specified composite USB device so that interface 00 and interface 01 are excluded
from redirection.
Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View
188 VMware, Inc.