Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View

Table Of Contents
Table 181. View Composer Provisioning Errors (Continued)
Error Description
6 Errors not covered by other error codes. The View Composer agent log files in the guest OS can provide
more information about the causes of these errors.
For example, a Windows Plug and Play (PnP) timeout can generate this error code. In this situation, View
Composer times out after waiting for the PnP service to install new volumes for the linked-clone virtual
PnP mounts up to three disks, depending on how the pool was configured:
View Composer persistent disk
Nonpersistent disk for redirecting guest OS temp and paging files
Internal disk that stores QuickPrep configuration and other OS-related data. This disk is always
configured with a linked clone.
The timeout length is 10 minutes. If PnP does not finish mounting the disks within 10 minutes, View
Composer fails with error code 6.
7 Too many View Composer persistent disks are attached to the linked clone. A clone can have at most
three View Composer persistent disks.
8 A persistent disk could not be mounted on the datastore that was selected when the pool was created.
9 View Composer could not redirect disposable-data files to the nonpersistent disk. Either the paging file or
the temp-files folders were not redirected.
10 View Composer cannot find the QuickPrep configuration policy file on the specified internal disk.
12 View Composer cannot find the internal disk that contains the QuickPrep configuration policy file and
other OS-related data.
13 More than one persistent disk is configured to redirect the Windows user profile.
14 View Composer failed to unmount the internal disk.
15 The computer name that View Composer read from configuration-policy file does not match the current
system name after the linked clone is initially powered on.
16 The View Composer agent did not start because the volume license for the guest OS was not activated.
17 The View Composer agent did not start. The agent timed out while waiting for Sysprep to start.
18 The View Composer agent failed to join the linked-clone virtual machine to a domain during
19 The View Composer agent failed to execute a post-synchronization script.
20 The View Composer agent failed to handle a machine password synchronization event.
This error might be transient. If the linked clone joins the domain, the password is fine.
If the clone fails to join the domain, restart the operation you performed before the error occurred. If you
restarted the clone, restart it again. If you refreshed the clone, refresh it again. If the clone still fails to join
the domain, recompose the clone.
21 The View Composer agent failed to mount the system disposable disk.
22 The View Composer agent failed to mount the View Composer persistent disk.
Chapter 18 Troubleshooting Machines and Desktop Pools
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