Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View

Table Of Contents
Table 51. Worksheet: Configuration Options for Creating a Linked-Clone Desktop Pool (Continued)
Option Description Fill In Your Value Here
Provision machines on
Provision all machines up
If you use a naming pattern, choose whether to
provision all machines when the pool is created or
provision machines as they are needed.
Provision all machines up front. When the pool is
created, the system provisions the number of
machines you specify in Max number of
Provision machines on demand. When the pool is
created, the system creates the number of
machines that you specify in Min number of
machines. Additional machines are created as
users connect to the pool for the first time or as you
assign machines to users.
Min number of machines If you use a naming pattern and provision desktops on
demand, specify a minimum number of machines in
the pool.
The system creates the minimum number of machines
when you create the pool. This number is maintained
even when other settings such as Delete or refresh
machine on logoff cause machines to be deleted.
Redirect Windows profile to
a persistent disk
If you select dedicated user assignments, choose
whether to store Windows user-profile data on a
separate View Composer persistent disk or the same
disk as the OS data.
Separate persistent disks let you preserve user data
and settings. View Composer refresh, recompose, and
rebalance operations do not affect persistent disks. You
can detach a persistent disk from a linked clone and
recreate the linked-clone virtual machine from the
detached disk. For example, when a machine or pool is
deleted, you can detach the persistent disk and recreate
the desktop, preserving the original user data and
If you store the Windows profile in the OS disk, user
data and settings are removed during refresh,
recompose, and rebalance operations.
Disk size and drive letter for
persistent disk
If you store user profile data on a separate View
Composer persistent disk, provide the disk size in
megabytes and the drive letter.
NOTE Do not select a drive letter that already exists on
the parent virtual machine or that conflicts with a drive
letter that is used for a network-mounted drive.
Disposable File Redirection Choose whether to redirect the guest OS's paging and
temp files to a separate, nonpersistent disk. If you do,
provide the disk size in megabytes.
With this configuration, when a linked clone is
powered off, the disposable-file disk is replaced with a
copy of the original disk that was created with the
linked-clone pool. Linked clones can increase in size as
users interact with their desktops. Disposable file
redirection can save storage space by slowing the
growth of linked clones.
Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View
66 VMware, Inc.