Technical References

Security Tables - Database Rules
To see an illustration and a list of all tables in the Security category, click here (page 455).
You might choose to restrict access to some objects in the ICM/IPCC database to specic users,
specic groups of users, or to a specic entity (such as a division within a company). The
enterprise consists of one or more entities. The Business Entity (page 73) tables dene the
entities within an enterprise.
The User Group (page 427) table denes groups of users or individual users who have specic
access rights. If a row in the User Group table denes a group, each user who is a member of
that group is congured in the User Group Member (page 429) table. ICM/IPCC software also
uses the Sec Group (page 324) and Sec User (page 325) tables to track the state of user groups.
The User Supervisor Map (page 430) table is used to allow an agent to log in as a Supervisor.
The Feature Control Set (page 181) table denes the different feature sets that may be used by
different users. One set of features may be mapped to multiple users.
Each individual item for which the ICM/IPCC software controls access is an object. The Object
List (page 248) table contains information about these objects. The Ids (page 216) table contains
information about row-level security for objects. The Object Security (page 249) table denes
the access that specic user groups have for specic objects.
The User Security Control (page 430) table denes the access that specic users have for specic
objects. The possible access levels for each object are dened in the Object Access Xref (page
247) table. The ICM/IPCC software uses the Group Security Control (page 208) table as an
intermediate table to build User Security Control records.
A category of objects on which access is controlled is a class. The Class List (page 149) table
denes these categories. The Class Security (page 149) table species the level of access a user
group has to a specic class. The access levels that are available for a class are specied in the
Class Access Xref (page 148) table.
The ClassID To ObjectType (page 150) table denes the mapping of classes to objects.
Skill Target - Database Rules
To see an illustration and a list of the Skill Target tables, click here (page 456).
Peripheral Targets
Each peripheral can have many Services (page 325), Agents (page 15), Skill Groups (page 364),
and Translation Routes (page 418). These entities are collectively known as Skill Target (page
Each agent can be assigned to an Agent Team (page 55) of agents. Teams are for monitoring
purposes only; they are not used for routing calls. The Agent Team Member (page 56) table
maps agents to teams.
Database Schema Handbook Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.2(2)
Chapter 5: Database Rules
Security Tables - Database Rules