Installing MS BackOffice Small Business Server 4.x

A. Partition the primary partition to 1024 MB.
B. Format the primary partition using FAT.
C. Press F3 to quit the installation program.
D. Restart the installation program.
E. At the drive partition screen, delete the 1024 MB primary partition.
F. Partition the primary partition to any desired size up to the drive capacity.
G. Continue with the Windows NT installation program.
Tip #2: Network adapter fails to start
If the Network Adapter driver fails to start or does not appear to be working correctly,
examine the Event Log for any driver diagnostic messages.
A. Start the Event Viewer applet in the Administrative Tools group in Program
B. Search the Event Log Source column for any entries named "Hptx."
C. Double click on the entry to examine the Event Detail dialog box. The upper
half of the box gives a short generic description of the error. The lower half of
the box is a hex and ASCII dump of error data.
D. Scroll through the error data in ASCII for any readable strings.
E. If a readable string is present, it will describe the problem in more detail.
F. If no readable string is present, this typically indicates that the driver failed
early in the process of loading-usually due to a resource conflict (for example,
an I/O port conflict).
NOTE: Make sure the Network Adapter is connected to a working hub and verify
that the LED is lit. Otherwise, the Network Driver may not install.
Tip #3: NT Setup asks for a disk that doesn't exist
If Windows NT asks for more Installation Diskettes than you have, e.g. asking for
Diskette #4 when you only have up to Diskette #3, make sure that the IDE driver is
installed properly. Refer to the appropriate section in this guide for instructions.