Envoy Application Programming Manual

Table Of Contents
Envoy Application Programming Manual427159-001
ASCII Character Set
Table A-1 lists the octal values of the ASCII character set. It also provides the meanings
of the control characters used by the various Envoy protocols.
Table A-1. ASCII Character Set (page 1 of 5)
Octal Value (left
Octal Value
(right byte) Meaning
NUL 000000 000000 Null
SOH 000400 000001 Start of heading
STX 001000 000002 Start of text
ETX 001400 000003 End of text
EOT 002000 000004 End of transmission
ENQ 002400 000005 Enquiry
ACK 003000 000006 Acknowledge
BEL 003400 000007 Bell
BS 004000 000010 Backspace
HT 004400 000011 Horizontal tabulation
LF 005000 000012 Line feed
VT 005400 000013 Vertical tabulation
FF 006000 000014 Form feed
CR 006400 000015 Carriage return
SO 007000 000016 Shift out
SI 007400 000017 Shift in
DLE 010000 000020 Data link escape
DC1 010400 000021 Device control 1
DC2 011000 000022 Device control 2
DC3 011400 000023 Device control 3
DC4 012000 000024 Device control 4
NAK 012400 000025 Negative acknowledge
SYN 013000 000026 Synchronous idle
ETB 013400 000027 End of transmission block
CAN 014000 000030 Cancel