User's Manual

Table Of Contents
If you disabled the help text, data collection begins.
Press Start or Enter to collect the data.
4. Press Enter to view the data.
One or more plots display after the data is collected.
5. Press F9 Store Data to save the data to a route or a job, or press F8 Start to redo the
6.8.7 Turning Speed Detection
Turning Speed Detection confirms the shaft-turning speed frequency based on an estimated
speed. The dominant peak nearest the suspected turning speed frequency is most likely
the turning speed. Turning Speed Detection is available when you collect data on a variable
speed machine.
Set up your sensor.
1. Create a job or open Analyze from a route measurement point.
2. From the Analyze main menu, press F11 Turning Speed Detection.
3. Press Start or Enter to collect the data.
4. Enter an estimated machine speed.
5. Press Enter.
6. Press Enter to view the data.
One or more plots display the collected data. The analyzer displays the detected
speed at the bottom of the screen.
You cannot store this data.
6.8.8 Laser Speed Detection
Laser Speed Detection confirms shaft-turning speed using the CSI 430 SpeedVue sensor.
If you turned the tachometer power off from the Tach Setup in Manual Analyze, you can leave the switch
for the CSI 430 SpeedVue on. If the tachometer power is on and the switch is on, the CSI 430
SpeedVue sensor remains powered on.
Analyze and Advanced Analyze