User's Manual

Table Of Contents
4. Press Enter or F1 Start.
Data collection begins. The screen displays the remaining time for the data
collection and then displays the data plot. The analyzer saves the data to the job.
The Transient main menu displays the number of samples collected.
7.8.1 Redo a measurement
1. From the Transient main menu, use the up and down arrow keys to select a
Press Enter to select the measurement.
3. Press F1 Start or Enter.
The analyzer collects new data.
7.8.2 Delete data
The Clear Data option is only available if you collected data for the point. When you delete a
measurement, the setup parameters are not deleted.
Use caution with the Clear Data option. Deleted data cannot be recovered.
From the Transient main menu, use the up and down arrow keys to select a
2. Press F5 Clear Data.
3. Press Enter.
The Transient main menu displays "No Data (Setup Defined)" for the measurement.
7.9 Plot data
When a full transient waveform plot displays, a section of waveform represented by two
solid vertical lines appears on the plot. The width of the section depends on the number of
points and number of lines defined under the Data Display Settings option on the Transient
ALT2 main menu.
Use the Scroll Left and Scroll Right keys to move the selected section of the transient
waveform left or right by 512 points (200 lines). The waveform and spectrum are updated
with the data in the newly selected section.
The Vibration Analysis tab in AMS Machinery Manager lets you view additional plots from the
transient data. You can select a specific area of the plot and view detailed plots including,
cascades, waveform, and spectra data.
See the AMS Machinery Manager online help for more information.
Advanced Transient