User's Manual

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Single-channel tests usually require additional tests to confirm, but the results of the bump
test should show a peak at the resonant frequency. The impacts from the hammer place a
small amount of force into the system at all frequencies. A resonance naturally amplifies
the vibration at the resonant frequency. The peaks in the spectral data represent the
resonant frequency (or frequencies).
Avoid running equipment at a resonant frequency because the operational forces are
amplified and cause very high vibration.
For the Bump Test Equipment Off and Bump Test Equipment Running, use a regular hammer to hit
the machine. Impact mode in Manual Analyze requires an impact hammer.
6.8.10 Bump Test Equipment Off
Bump Test Equipment Off lets you check for resonance when the equipment is not running.
Use this measurement when high vibration is unexplained. The spectrum may show a
broad hump of energy or a single discrete peak. Use a normal hammer for this
This is a single-channel measurement.
Attach the accelerometer to the analyzer and the equipment.
Shut down the equipment.
Create a job or open Analyze from a route measurement point.
2. From the Analyze main menu, press F7 More Experts > F2 Bump Test Equipment Off.
3. Press Start or Enter to collect the data.
4. Hit the equipment with a hammer each time the screen displays "Waiting for
The analyzer collects data for the specified number of averages.
5. Press Enter to view the data.
One or more plots display after the data is collected.
6. Press F9 Store Data to save the data to a route or a job, or press F8 Start to redo the
Analyze and Advanced Analyze